So far this year, the fund has continued to build on its a track record of handily outperforming the stock market every year. In this, our fourth year, we are very optimistic that we will meet or exceed our prior performance. We have also been working on improving our website and will maintain it as a source for fund performance history and, with the addition of this blog page, news, and other updates. Hedge funds like ours acquire new investors through word-of-mouth, we can’t advertise. So if you know anyone who might be interested in sharing in your success at Diametric, please share the link to our website with them.

With tax day approaching, I know many of you are eager to get your K-1s for 2023.  We have done all that we can to expedite this process and to get them in your hands as quickly as possible.  Unfortunately, much of this process is impossible for us to speed up.  This year a couple of the brokerages that we use did not report their accounting for our fund until last week.  The day this information became available, it was passed on to the accounting firm that performs our annual audit, but this firm needs a few weeks to integrate the new information. Accordingly, the release date for the K-1s will likely extend into early to mid April. 

We understand that this is potentially frustrating to some of you, but please rest assured that we will continue to try to streamline this process, and to get these forms to you at the earliest possible time in future years. 

Thanks all for your allegiance to the fund.